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国际新锐艺术家 超现实仿生机械设计天才陈龙阙
发布时间:2024-02-28 11:38:22   来源:网络







《战场》数码艺术 2018

陈龙阙,做为美国罗丹国际艺术家基⾦会和[世界华⼈周刊]联合推荐的国际新锐精英艺术家,美国娱乐⼯业前卫设计师 ,2023年荣获了世界华⼈美术⾦笔奖的[助⼒国际艺术交流贡献奖]。



陈龙阙毕业于美国加州设计中⼼艺术学院的插画专业(Art Center College of Design)
(illustration),⽬前作为全职游戏概念设计师就职于美国的游戏公司Striking Distance
Studio。从2017年⾄今参与了多个AAA游戏的概念设计⼯作,如 Call of Duty: black ops 4, Transformer, Apex of Legends, Borderlands 4, Cowboy Bebop, Callisto Protocol等。个⼈作品 先后两次收录进专业游戏插画领域的3dtotalpublishing出版社的书籍, sketching from the Imagination: Creature & Monsters 和 Beginner’s Guide to Drawing the Future 。 此外,近些年 多次参与艺术相关公共活动,如好莱坞Boulevard 3 的RAW ARTIST 艺术展览,中国北京 798艺术区的第零空间做了展览[创作者—— 陈龙阙&陈敦煌幻想艺术展], 2021纽约当 代国际艺术博览会, 2022和2023洛杉矶Pasadena Light Box Expo设计艺术博览会, 2023中 国成都第81届世界科幻⼤会艺术展览等。





陈龙阙的设计艺术⽣涯有着传奇⾊彩。陈龙阙⽗⼦三⼈因中国云冈、龙门和敦煌三⼤⽯窟 ⽽得名,依次为⽗亲陈云岗(云冈)、陈龙阙(龙门)、胞弟陈敦煌(敦煌),在中国艺术界称为“三⼤⽯窟”。除了⽗亲做雕塑,陈龙阙和胞弟陈敦煌现分别在美国加州游戏公司 做专职项⽬。或许受家庭艺术氛围的影响,陈龙阙和其胞弟陈敦煌三岁始画画,7岁时办展览,8岁的时候出版了画册《龙⾏天下》,记录了⾃然⽣物超越性的艺术表达。可飞⾏可游⾛的庞⼤怪兽⽻翼上满载着⽣物多样性的⽣命信息。17岁由陕西⼈民美术出版社出版了第⼆版画册《龙说•说龙》,超越性的⾃然⽣物仍是设计的主体。2023年,陈龙阙被所 在加州游戏公司授予优秀概念设计师。⾃从他进⼊⾏业后,随着个⼈经验的积累,他对⾃⼰的娱乐⼯业设计分割提出了独到见解,他说:“我创作的主体特征为超现实的仿⽣机械设计,区别于传统的科幻概念设计以⼈物为主,我引⼊了⼤量的⾃然⽣物元素融合到机械设计中。观众可以从我的设计中看出⾃然⽣物的原始形态,但我仍然保留了机械概念设计的主要功能,并通过这些作品,我想展⽰出⼀个独特的世界观,即未来⼈们借助仿⽣学设 计不仅改变⼈类的观看⽅式和思考⽅式,⽽且通过制造巨⼤的仿⽣智能性机械装置,以帮助⼈类在残酷世界中更好的⽣存与发展。 ”




陈龙阙的设计艺术视野与格局,源⾃于⼈⽣的两次机缘,即中国中央美术学院⼯业设计专 业和后来美国艺术中⼼设计学院插画娱乐设计专业的学习。 2010年就读中央美术学院⼯业 设计专业的陈龙阙进⾏毕业创作时逆势⽽⾏,并没有去做实⽤的⼯业设计,⽽是做了⼀整 套名为《新世界⼤战》的游戏概念设计。这套与众不同的概念设计引起了设计学院的重视,因为在⼯业设计专业中⼤胆的创新尝试,在毕业典礼上得到了中央美术学院设计学院2010 年毕业作品“ 院长提名奖” 。之后在中央美术学院汽车设计系系主任的推荐下,于2014年前 往位于美国加州的设计中⼼设计学院深造学习娱乐插画, 2018年陈龙阙与其胞弟陈敦煌 在美国艺术中⼼设计学院的毕业设计,作为优秀毕业作品送到了学院本部继续展出。⾄此, 陈龙阙实现了他艺术学习的两次飞跃。





⾃2017年陈龙阙开始⼯作之余,依然坚持创作个⼈绘画作品,渐渐开始⼤量参考⽣物的形态将其与机械设计结合起来,创作出全新超现实的仿⽣机械设计。这种新的形式开始作为陈龙阙创作的主体风格,既有传统⼯业设计的真实严谨,又有娱乐设计的想象和趣味性。 如插图作品《⼤象载具》、《蜥蜴载具》和《蜘蛛载具》等战车系列。这些基于⼤象、蜥蜴和蜘蛛等⽣物从新设计出来的仿⽣幻想机械融⼊了⼀定的军事元素或者民⽤元素,⼤量真实的细节设计和写实的表达技巧,成功的给观者呈现出⼀个奇特,真实可信的科幻世界。可以看出,陈龙阙的⽣物机械系列作品中的核⼼意识,是对⾃然⽣命的膜拜以及未来智能 科技介⼊性的渴望。慢慢的,陈龙阙的超现实机械概念设计囊尽了更多种类的⾃然⽣物元素,包括各种地⾯上的⼤型哺乳动物,到空中飞⾏的昆⾍,再到海⾥⾯的鱼类等。 经过 这⼏年的创作,能够越发熟练的结合⽣物元素和机械设计带来有趣的设计,最终创造了属 于⾃⼰带有独特情感与⽂化特征的硬科幻作品。












《蚯蝎 -爬行者》数码艺术 2021

作品创意 前卫超群

如果说,陈龙阙的仿⽣机械设计插图,带给观者们的体验是既充满想象⼒,又遵循绝对科 学的理性之后所带来的视觉震撼⼒,那么陈龙阙的⼿绘作品“⽣物城市系列 ”马克笔的线条流畅,就好像“带着线条去散步” 的优雅,通过概念的想象表现出更加奇幻不失未来设计感的视觉表达魅⼒。在陈龙阙的“⽣物城市系列 ”作品中,⼀条⾃由游⼷的鳄鱼⾝上载着中国 的古典建筑,⼀尊犀⽜、⼀只羚⽺甚⾄⼀颗树上都布满了中国古典建筑,这种⾃然⽣命元素与中国古典建筑合体的设计,弥漫着浓厚的东⽅情结,总是带给观众不可思议⽽又惊叹⽆⽐的感动。对于陈龙阙来说,⽆论是硬科幻的超现实仿⽣机械设计,还是奇幻的超现实后⽣命现象的设计,也真也幻,也实也虚,也近也远 ……这种融合⾃然⽣物的超现实设计的未来感,不仅带给陈龙阙创作的热情和愉悦,同时也带给观众⽆尽的震撼与遐想。




International emerging elite artist Longque Chen

The future sense of integrating natural biological surreal design

Chen Longque, as an international emerging elite artist and an avant-garde designer of the American entertainment industry jointly recommended by the Rodin International Artist Foundation and [World Chinese Weekly], won the [International Art Exchange Contribution Award] of the Global Chinese Fine Art Golden Brush Award in 2023.
Chen Longque's design and art career has a legendary quality. Chen Longque, his father Chen Yungang (Yungang), and his younger brother Chen Dunhuang (Dunhuang) were named after the three major grottoes in China: Yungang, Longmen, and Dunhuang. They are known as the "Three Great Grottoes" in the Chinese art world. In addition to their father's sculpture work, Chen Longque and his younger brother Chen Dunhuang currently work on dedicated projects at a gaming company in California, USA. Perhaps influenced by the artistic atmosphere of their family, both Chen Longque and his younger brother began painting at the age of three. At seven years old, an exhibition was held for them at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. At eight years old, Shaanxi People's Education Publishing House published a picture book titled "Dragon Rules the World," which documented their extraordinary artistic expression surpassing nature's creatures. The massive winged monsters depicted in flight or roaming carry abundant information about biodiversity.




At seventeen years old, Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House published the second edition of their picture book titled "Dragons Speak • Speaking Dragons," with extraordinary natural creatures still being the main focus of design. In 2023, Chen Longque was awarded the title of Senior Concept Designer by his gaming company in California where he works. Since entering this industry, with accumulated personal experience as a foundation, he has developed unique insights into entertainment industrial design segmentation. He said: "The main characteristic of my creations is surreal biomimetic mechanical design which differentiates from traditional science fiction concept designs that primarily feature characters; I have incorporated numerous elements from nature into mechanical designs." Audiences can perceive primal forms derived from natural creatures through my designs while retaining essential functions associated with mechanical concept design."
Through these works I aim to showcase a unique worldview, where in the future people will not only change their ways of seeing and thinking through biomimetic design but also manufacture enormous bio-intelligent mechanical devices to assist humanity in better survival and development within a harsh world.”




Chen Longque's vision and perspective in his design art career originated from two opportunities in life, namely studying industrial design at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts and later studying entertainment illustration design at the Art Center College of Design in the United States. In 2010, when Chen Longque was studying industrial design at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, he went against the trend for his graduation project and did not pursue practical industrial design. Instead, he created a set of game concept designs called "New World War". This unique concept design attracted attention from the School of Design because it boldly attempted innovative ideas in the field of industrial design. It received the "Dean's Nomination Award" for graduation works at the graduation ceremony of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2010. Later, recommended by the head of Automotive Design Department at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Chen Longque went to study entertainment illustration at Art Center College of Design located in California, USA in 2014. In 2018, Chen Longque and his younger brother Chen Dunhuang presented their outstanding graduation project from Art Center College of Design to be exhibited further at the main campus headquarters. With this achievement, Chen Longque has realized two leaps forward in his artistic studies.




Since 2017, Chen Longque has continued to create personal paintings while working, gradually combining the morphology of organisms with mechanical design to create a new surreal biomimetic mechanical design. This new form has become the main style of Chen Longque's creations, incorporating both the realism and rigor of traditional industrial design and the imagination and playfulness of entertainment design. Examples include illustrations such as "Elephant Vehicle," "Lizard Vehicle," and "Spider Vehicle" in the tank series. These biomimetic fantasy machines, based on elephants, lizards, spiders, and other creatures, incorporate military or civilian elements with abundant realistic details and realistic expression techniques to present viewers with a strange and believable science fiction world. It can be seen that at the core of Chen Longque's bio-mechanical series is a reverence for natural life and a desire for future intelligent technological intervention. Over these years of creation, he has increasingly skillfully combined biological elements with mechanical design to bring about interesting designs, ultimately creating his own hard science fiction works with unique emotions and cultural characteristics.



《生物城市NO4 》插画艺术2019

Since 2017, Chen Longque has continued to create personal paintings while working,gradually combining the morphology of organisms with mechanical design to createa new surreal biomimetic mechanical design.This new form has become the main style of Chen Longque's creations, incorporating both the realism and rigor of traditional industrial design and the imagination and playfulness of entertainment design. Examples include illustrations such as "Elephant Vehicle," "Lizard Vehicle,"and "Spider Vehicle" in the tank series. These biomimetic fantasy machines, based on elephants, lizards, spiders, and other creatures, incorporate military or civilian elements with abundant realistic details and realistic expression techniques to present viewers with a strange and believable science fiction world. It can be seen that at the core of Chen Longque's bio-mechanical series is a reverence for natural life and a desire for future intelligent technological intervention. Over these years of creation, he has increasingly skillfully combined biological elements with mechanical design to bring about interesting designs, ultimately creating his own hard science fiction works with unique emotions and cultural characteristics.



《生物城市NO1 》插画艺术2019

If, Chen Longque's biomimetic mechanical design illustrations bring viewers an experience that is both imaginative and follows absolute scientific rationality, then the smooth lines of Chen Longque's hand-drawn work "Biological City Series" with markers are like the elegance of "taking a walk with lines", expressing visual charm that combines fantastical imagination and future design sense. In Chen Longque's "Biological City Series" works, a freely roaming crocodile carries classical Chinese architecture on its back, a rhinoceros, an antelope, and even a tree are covered in classical Chinese architecture. This design combining natural elements of life with classical Chinese architecture exudes a strong Eastern sentimentality and always brings viewers incredible and awe-inspiring emotions. For Chen Longque, whether it is the hard science fiction surreal biomimetic mechanical design or the fantastical surreal post-life phenomenon design, it is both real and illusory, close yet distant... This fusion of natural organisms in futuristic surreal designs not only brings passion and joy to Chen Longque's creations but also endless shock and contemplation to viewers.



⽣物战车 2- 3(2016)



《贝壳⼈ 1号, 2号》



《青蛙 -两栖爬行者》数码艺术 2021

















