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国际新锐赛博艺术家 美国游戏概念前卫设计天才 陈敦煌
发布时间:2024-03-02 18:59:09   来源:网络




陈敦煌,做为美国罗丹国际艺术家基金会和[世界华人周刊]联合推荐的国际新锐精英艺术家,美国游戏概念前卫设计师 ,2023年荣获了世界华人美术金笔奖的[助力国际艺术交流贡献奖]。



陈敦煌,国际新锐赛博艺术家、美国游戏概念前卫设计师, 2018年毕业于美国加州设计中 ⼼艺术学院(Art Center College of Design)的插画(illustration)专业,⽬前作为全职游戏概念设 计师就职于美国加州的游戏公司Share Creators Studio。⾃2017年⾄今参与多个AAA游戏的概念设 计⼯作,进⾏赛博艺术的创作引起了中外设计艺术界的好评与关注,并分别参加了2021年的纽约 当代国际艺术博览会、 2022年和2023年洛杉矶 Light Box Expo设计艺术博览会,同时获得2023年 世界华⼈美术⾦笔奖(助力国际艺术交流贡献奖),并在2023年第81届世界科幻⼤会上举办“混元体Ⅱ — 陈龙阙、陈敦煌艺术展”。







陈敦煌曾经就读中国中央美术学院动漫专业,⼈物塑造细腻情感饱满,在⼤三时,与他⼈合 作创作动漫作品《母亲》,获得学院三等奖。特别是通过美国艺术中⼼设计学院的专业学习后,接受了多元娱乐⽂化的精髓,作品创作更注重游戏与科幻中⾓⾊概念设计的灵动感和⽂化感,其 中结合了当下动漫科幻的流⾏元素进⾏创作,将⾁体与机械结合带来⼀种美妙的旋律与张⼒,使 每个赛博⽂化的⾓⾊设计既赋予了⼈性化的温度感,同时也具有⼯业化的⾦属特质的现代感。在 毕业展上,作为优秀作品和胞兄的作品⼀起在学校进⾏展出。陈敦煌的作品从古希腊⼈物赛博⽂ 化的塑造,到现代⼈类赛博⽂化的设计,既充满了三次元的⼈物空间设计的严谨性,同时也弥漫 着赛博⽂化炫酷的华丽感,创造出极具⼈⽂特征的、现代感极强的赛博⽂化时代肖像。

陈敦煌⾃2021年⼊职加州Share Creators Studio以来,视野与格局⼤开,其中参与顶尖级的游 戏中的⾓⾊、场景和道具等设计,受到公司的肯定与⿎励。作为国际新锐赛博艺术家、美国游戏 概念前卫设计师,他凭借⾃⾝⽂化的兼容性与超越性激发出的潜在创作才能,分别参与了全球众 多顶尖的游戏项⽬设计,如美国“暴雪” 的项⽬《暗⿊破坏神 —— 不朽》,中国腾讯天美项⽬《王 者荣耀》,还有全球流⾏的韩国Krafton⼯作室开发的《绝地反击》(PUBG)项⽬等等。众所周 知《暗⿊破坏神 —— 不朽》系列作品享誉世界,《王者荣耀》在中国有7亿左右的玩家推举(2023 年中国百度⽹络信息统计数据),⽽《绝地反击》更是⼀直时是steam平台上在线⼈数最多的游戏 之⼀。这些项⽬在游戏⾏业内遥遥领先并获得巨⼤成功,它们都是顶尖游戏设计,需要扎实的设 计基础和创作才能。






Pasadena Light Box Expo设计艺术博览会


⼯作之余的陈敦煌喜欢赛博艺术创作,其赛博艺术风格深受游戏设计艺术的影响,但是更凸 显⼈⽂精神。陈敦煌的赛博艺术擅长的是暗⿊风格中的⾓⾊设计,特别是在暗⿊风格的赛博⽂化 善恶的较量中,善与美的同⾏是创作的重点也是亮点。如他的作品《国风NO1》,赛博⼥战⼠⼀ ⾝⽩⾊的盔甲,⾝上有多条机械臂加持,低头垂⽬的静穆与优雅,俨然就是⼀个赛博观⾳。在背 景为中国佛教“千⼿佛观⾳ ”慈悲与⼤爱的主题诠释的现场环境烘托中,佛教观⾳与赛博观⾳完美 地嵌合在同⼀空间,此时,⼈类情感的暖意与温馨,将⼤爱⽆疆的主题得以升华。除了“赛博观⾳ ”的⼤爱⽆疆,作品《⼥神》,其中“基督教的⼥战⼠ ”布善除恶的赛博⼈⽂⽓质也是⼗分惊艳。 尽管背景是撒旦恶魔的地狱图景,但是主体⼥性妩媚⽽⽬光坚毅的脸庞与⾦属特质的⾝体材质完 美地融合,⼀⼿持着“神灯” ,⼀⼿握着剑,⾎光剑影中的赛博⼥战⼠作为正义的化⾝,表达出了 在现实与未来世界善恶⽃争中的决绝意志。





如果说,陈敦煌作品中⼥性赛博被赋予了⾁⾝美丽与⾦属特质的⼈机合体的奇异效果,散发 着⼀种被理想化的智慧与智能⽣物体混元体的魅⼒,那么在陈敦煌的男性⾓⾊设计更凸显数字化的理性与机械感的硬朗。如数码艺术作品《⼑锋战⼠》,完美的赛博朋克的体型与精神⽓度,数 字艺术虚拟化的⾯部,泛着神秘、深邃⽽忧郁的⽬光,⼿持两把利剑,塑造了代表着善意与⼀切 邪恶势⼒决⼀雌雄的战⼠形象。在陈敦煌的⼿绘作品中,持剑也持盾的男性肩胛关节处,⽤冷⾯ 炫酷的⽣物⾯具装饰,雄性与野性⼗⾜的奇异想象与设计,整合了所有⽣命⼒度的赛博⽂化格局 令每个观者惊叹不已!正如陈敦煌所⾔: “我将⼈体、⾃然与机械等元素融合在⼀起,让美丽的⾝ 躯具有软科幻的⼈性温暖,同时具有硬科幻的机械美感。我的很多画作反映出这样的设计理念,即⼀种混元体的未来⽣命的幻想。 ”






陈敦煌《⼥神NO2》数码艺术 2021

Chen Dunhuang: The cybernetic humanistic temperament in the Hunyuan style.

As a senior concept designer, Chen Dunhuang has participated in numerous top game projects worldwide, such as Blizzard's "Diablo Immortal," Tencent Tianmei's "King of Glory," and the globally popular "PUBG" project. It is well known that the "Diablo" series enjoys worldwide acclaim, "King of Glory" has approximately 700 million players in China (according to Baidu Network Information in 2023), and "PUBG" is one of the most played games on the Steam platform. These projects are leading in the gaming industry and have achieved tremendous success. They all require solid design foundations and talent. Since joining California's Share Creators Studio in 2021, Chen Dunhuang's vision has expanded greatly. He has been involved in designing characters, scenes, props, and more for top-tier games, receiving recognition and encouragement from the company. As early as 2017, during his studies at Los Angeles Art Center College of Design in the United States, Chen Dunhuang was already involved in conceptual design for multiple AAA games and gained widespread influence to further expand his creative thinking. Currently working full-time as a concept designer at Share Creators Studio in California, Chen Dunhuang's creation of cyber art during his spare time has garnered praise and attention from both domestic and foreign design communities. He has participated in various exhibitions including the 2021 New York Contemporary International Art Fair, the 2022-2023 Los Angeles Light Box Expo Design Art Fair, and the 81st World Science Fiction Convention held in 2023. Additionally he has had three solo exhibitions both offline and online. Chen Dunhuang's cyber art style is deeply influenced by game design art while highlighting humanistic spirit.




Chen Dunhuang excels in character design in cyber art, and the struggle between good and evil in the dark cyber culture. Goodness is not only the high point of creation, but also the visual focus and highlight of creation along with beauty. For example, his work "Experimental Subject", a cyber female warrior wearing white armor with multiple mechanical arms, has a serene and elegant posture when bowing her head. She is like a cyber Guanyin. In the background of the live environment depicting the theme of compassion and great love of Chinese Buddhism's "Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara", Buddhist Guanyin and cyber Guanyin fit perfectly into the same space. At this moment, the warmth and tenderness of human emotions elevate the theme of boundless love .



《赛博战⼠:莉莉丝》数码艺术 2018 《赛博战⼠:⼑刃》数码艺术2018

In addition to the boundless love of "cyber Guanyin", his work "Goddess" showcases an impressive cyber-humanistic temperament for a Christian female warrior who does good deeds to eliminate evil. Although set against a hellish scene with Satan demons as background, her feminine yet determined face blends perfectly with her metallic body material. With one hand holding a "divine lamp" and another gripping a sword, she embodies justice as a cyber female warrior amidst bloodshed shadows, expressing resolute determination in struggles between good and evil in both reality and future worlds.

If, in Chen Dunhuang's works, the female cyborgs are endowed with a strange effect of combining physical beauty and metallic traits, emitting a charm that idealizes both wisdom and intelligent beings; then in Chen Dunhuang's male character designs, the rationality of digitization and the toughness of mechanical sensation are highlighted. In his digital art piece "Blade Warrior," the perfect cyberpunk physique and spiritual demeanor, along with the virtualized facial features of digital art, exude a mysterious, profound, and melancholic gaze. Holding two sharp swords, it creates an image of a warrior representing goodwill confronting all evil forces. In Chen Dunhuang's hand-drawn works, at the shoulder joints where men hold both swords and shields, cool biological masks adorn their cold faces. The integration of masculine wildness and bizarre imagination embodies the cyber culture pattern that encompasses all vitality levels—leaving every viewer amazed! As Chen Dunhuang said: "I merge elements such as human body, nature, and machinery together to give beautiful bodies a warm touch of soft science fiction while also possessing the aesthetic appeal of hard science fiction. Many of my artworks reflect this design concept—a fantasy about future life as a hybrid entity."




Chen Dunhuang once studied animation at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. His character creation is delicate and full of emotions. Especially after studying at the Art Center College of Design in the United States, he has absorbed the essence of diverse entertainment cultures. His artwork focuses more on the dynamic and cultural aspects of character concept design in games and science fiction. It combines popular elements from contemporary anime and sci-fi to create a wonderful melody and tension by combining flesh with machinery, giving each cyber culture character design a humanistic warmth as well as an industrial metallic feel. From shaping cyber culture characters in ancient Greek mythology to modern human cyber culture, his work is not only rigorous in three-dimensional character spatial design but also filled with coolness and grandeur that represents cyber culture, creating portraits that are highly modern yet possess strong humanistic characteristics in this era of cyber culture .



陈敦煌《国风NO4》数码艺术 2023







陈敦煌 、陈龙阙參展作品前的参观者络绎不绝(2018.8洛杉矶)








